Higher Education

PROSPER Partnerships

PROSPER stands for PROmoting School-community-university Partnerships to Enhance Resilience.

PROSPER isn’t a program, rather it is a scientifically-proven delivery system that facilitates sustained, quality delivery of evidence-based programs that reduce risky youth behaviors, enhance positive youth development and strengthen families. 

Edna Bennett Pierce Prevention Research Center (PRC)

The Edna Bennett Pierce Prevention Research Center is an international leader in prevention science.

Since 1998, the PRCs focus has been on improving the health and well-being of children, families, and communities, particularly those most vulnerable. We conduct research, provide technical assistance, develop, implement and evaluate innovative programs, and translate research to policy. Our goal is to prevent the development of behavioral, mental, academic and physical problems in children, youth, and parents by creating healthy, caring and compassionate, nurturing environments.

Center for Communities That Care (CTC)

For over 30 years the Center for Communities That Care (CTC) has sought to investigate and promote healthy behaviors and positive social development in youth and adults.

Center for Communities That Care is a recognized leader in the field of prevention research. Our efforts to understand how risk and protective factors influence development have resulted in hundreds of articles in peer-reviewed journals and led to the development of tested and effective interventions.

Penn State Cooperative Extension - Lehigh

Penn State Extension is a modern educational organization dedicated to delivering science-based information to people, businesses, and communities. We provide access to face-to-face and online education to our customers—when they want it, where they want it, and how they want it—to help them address problems and take advantage of opportunities for improvement and innovation. Partnering with and funded by federal, state, and county governments, we have a long tradition of bringing unbiased support and education to the citizens of Pennsylvania.