DDAP Needs/Resource Assessment, Planning, and Evaluation Project

The Needs/Resource Assessment, Planning, and Evaluation Process will be used to to identify high-risk drug and alcohol consumption behaviors in their counties, as well as the social, economic, and health consequences associated with its use.

The Needs/Resource Assessment, Planning, and Evaluation Process is a collaborative and continued effort between the PA Department of Drug & Alcohol Programs (DDAP) and Penn State University EPIS, to develop and implement a systematic process for Single County Authorities (SCA’s) to identify high-risk drug and alcohol consumption behaviors in their counties, as well as the social, economic, and health consequences associated with its use. 

Through the utilization and analysis of county-level and comparative data sources, SCA’s will then work to identify the underlying risk/protective factors and other indicators influencing substance use and abuse within their county.  Collecting and analyzing county and state level quantitative data will provide a foundation to engage local stakeholders in data-driven qualitative discussion around the localized contributing factors that are most influencing the problem areas within their communities.

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