How is the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program structured?

The Olweus Bullying Prevention Program is designed to address bullying with components at four levels:

  • Community Level: 
    • Engaging members of your community to participate on the Bullying Prevention Coordinating Committee
    • Creating partnerships with stakeholders within your community to support your anti-bullying efforts.
    • Spreading the anti-bullying messages and sharing best practices in the community.
  • School Level: 
    • Administration of the Olweus Bullying Questionnaire (OBQ) to assess the nature and prevalence of bullying at each school.
    • The formation of a Bullying Prevention Coordinating Committee, which may include a school administrator, a teacher representative from each grade, a guidance counselor, a school-based mental health professional, and parent and student representatives.  The Bullying Prevention Coordinating Committee will guide the school’s bullying prevention efforts.
    • A day for the Bullying Prevention Coordinating Committee to share results of the OBQ with school staff, discuss how Olweus works, and make specific plans for implementing the program at their school.
    • Teacher supervision of students in locations where bullying occurs most frequently at school, can be implemented after the questionnaire has identified particular “hot spots” within a school, which commonly include the playground, classroom, and lunchroom.
  • Classroom Level:   
    • Establish and enforce specific rules against bullying.
    •  Hold regular classroom meetings with students to discuss various aspects of bullying and related antisocial behaviors and adherence to agreed-on classroom rules. Classroom meetings also are used to engage students in a variety of activities (e.g., role playing, writing, small-group discussions), through which they gain a better appreciation of the harm caused by bullying, and learn strategies to combat it.
    • Meet with parents to foster their active involvement are considered highly desirable components both at the classroom and the school levels.
  • Individual Level: 
    • Interventions with individual bullies (or small groups of bullies), victims, and the parents of each to ensure that bullying behaviors cease and that victims receive necessary support to avoid future bullying.
FAQ Audiences(s)