What is the training process for Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT)?

Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) clinicians should complete the following training steps:

  1. Complete a web-based training available from the Medical University of South Carolina at https://tfcbt2.musc.edu/. The training is divided into modules and takes approximately 11 hours to complete. This is a prerequisite to the in-person training. Unless your organization sets aside time specifically for therapists to complete this training, the developers recommend allowing 2 months for the on-line training to be completed.
  2. Complete a live 2-day training with one of the program developers or an approved trainer.
  3. Participate in a series of at least 12 consultation calls with an approved TF-CBT trainer or consultant to review cases and ensure fidelity to the model. Calls are typically held biweekly for 6 months or monthly for a year. Consultation must be completed within 2 years of the live training. (See Question 11 regarding therapists trained prior to 2013.)

After some experience implementing the model, it is also recommended (although not required) that therapists participate in an Advanced TF-CBT Training. Advanced Trainings may be 1-2 days long and are delivered by a program developer or approved trainer. To participate in the Advanced Training, a therapist must meet the following requirements:

  • Attended the 2-day training at least 6 months prior.
  • Be currently participating in or have already completed the consultation call series.
  • Have experience providing TF-CBT to clients.