All PA TF-CBT providers, are invited to join the kickoff of a new Learning Community Meeting series. This month we will review our goals, explore how to bring in a new program like TF-CBT to a community, and will discuss how to better support TF-CBT clinicians to avoid negative impacts on their own mental health.
Jordan Joyce
Penn State EPIS Implementation Specialist
Nicole Wells
Penn State EPIS Implementation Specialist
Welcome to this new TF-CBT Learning Community!
- Penn State EPIS review of goals for learning communities across PA.
- Agency, Names, County, Positions, roles in TF-CBT
- Agency Overviews of TF-CBT Projects
Getting Started with TF-CBT in Your Communities
- Exploring how to bring in a new program to a community. How do you gain referral sources? How do you begin programming and engage with families?
Supporting TF-CBT Clinicians
- TF-CBT can cause secondary traumatic stress, burnout and/or compassion fatigue on clinicians as they are working with traumatized children and families. How can we better support TF-CBT Clinicians to avoid negative impacts on their own mental health?
- Dec 8, 2020; 1:00pm — Dec 8, 2020; 2:30pm
Virtual Zoom, link provided upon registration.
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