The tools and resources listed below are designed to assist the Single County Authorities (SCAs) in completing the PA Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP) Needs/Resource Assessment, Planning, and Evaluation Process. This data-driven process is designed to guide the SCAs in developing a comprehensive Prevention Action Plan that meets the needs of the most problematic substance use behaviors within each county, by targeting the underlying risk/protective factors, and localized contributing factors, influencing those behaviors.
Engaging in this process provides the SCAs with the quantitative and qualitative data necessary to allow each county to target specific needs, assess and maximize current resources, and strengthen the prevention infrastructure in the areas needed most.
Needs and Resource Assessment Tools
Part 1
- Needs & Resource Assessment Report Template
- Needs & Resource Assessment Manual
- Data Discussion & Analysis Worksheet
- Needs & Resource Assessment Report Sample
- Data Book Supplement - PAYS Participation Data
- Risk & Protective Factors List
Part 2
- Community Conversation Notes Worksheet
- Prevention Program Inventory
- Resources-Readiness Assessment Tool
- Selecting Your Final Priorities-Prioritization Worksheet
- DC Community Conversations Workbook
- Sample Community Sector Survey
- Sample Focus Group & Interview Questions
- Focus Group Tip Sheet
- Focus Groups as Data Collection Methods